Why do people addicted to prescription painkillers start using? What could push a person to decide “this is something I want to do, despite the risks.” This is a question I find myself asking all the time. It sits in my head constantly. Maybe because of the work I do, but maybe also because my […]
5 Things You Need to Know About Medical Marijuana
How many of you have been closely monitoring the struggle between the states, the federal government, and the people over legalizing marijuana? Yeah. It’s crazy, isn’t it? Not only that, but as an employer, it’s scary, too. What are the ramifications of legalization? Do you have to change your policies? How are your workplace practices […]
Examining 6 of the Risks And Costs of Employee Drug Abuse
Does Medical Marijuana Affect Your Drivers’ Abilities?
Here in Georgia, there’s been a lot of talk about legalizing marijuana. While we all know recreational marijuana use probably won’t pass for a very long time, the legalization of medical marijuana may very well happen- and sooner rather than later! If you’re a Georgian, you may already know that cannabis oil as a medical […]